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With breast augmentation, you can achieve beautifully curving, round, appealing breasts. Loss of or lack of breast volume, asymmetry, or other concerns are addressed with breast augmentation surgery, providing the attractive, feminine silhouette you’ve always wanted.

What is a Breast Augmentation?

A breast augmentation can be defined as a cosmetic procedure to the enlarge the breasts by surgically inserting a silicone bag filled with saline or silicone gel under the chest muscle (subpectoral) or under the breast (submammary). Breast implants expand the breast area to give the appearance of a larger cup size and fuller, more projecting breasts. Also known as an augmentation mammaplasty, breast augmentation is the most popular cosmetic surgery in the nation, with 298,568 procedures performed in a recent year, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). The average cost of a breast augmentation in Portland, Oregon is typically $4,000, however for accurate pricing, it's best to schedule a consultation with your plastic surgeon.

Read on more to find out how you can get arguably the best breast augmentation Portland has to offer.

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Who is a Good Candidate for Breast Augmentation?

Women who would like larger, rounder, more beautiful breasts are likely candidates for breast augmentation. The best way to know if you’re an ideal candidate for this procedure is during a thoughtful consultation to discuss your goals and medical history. Generally, ideal candidates should meet the following criteria:

  • Are physically healthy
  • Do not smoke
  • Have no serious medical concerns
  • Are not taking blood-thinning medications or can safely stop taking them prior to surgery
  • Feel their breasts are too small
  • Have lost breast volume
  • Breasts are asymmetrical

What Are My Breast Augmentation Choices?

Women today have more options for breast augmentation with implants. After a one-on-one consultation and careful evaluation of your anatomy, our Board-certified Portland plastic surgeon, Dr. Matthew Lewis, can advise you about your best options as to implant type, size, and position to achieve fuller, beautifully-shaped breasts that look and feel natural.

Implant Type

Patients today can choose between three basic types of breast implants, each with its own pros and cons:

  • Saline-filled implants: As they can be filled after they are placed in the breasts, saline implants require smaller incisions, allow for minor adjustments in volume after implant placement, and allow for a wider range of incision placement options. MRIs are not needed to detect a possible leak or rupture, as saline implants collapse when a rupture occurs, and the sterile saline solution can be safely absorbed by the body. The main disadvantage of saline implants is they tend to look and feel less natural than silicone implants, are slightly heavier, and may not be the best choice for women with less breast tissue.
  • Silicone gel-filled implants: The main advantages of silicone implants are aesthetic – they look and feel soft and natural. They also have a lower rate of rippling or wrinkling and downward displacement than can occur with saline implants. On the downside, silicone gel implants are costlier and require larger incisions than saline implants, and they also require periodic MRIs to detect a possible rupture.
  • Gummy bear implants: Named for their consistency resembling gummy bear candy, gummy bear implants are the latest advancement and the thickest type of silicone gel implant. This thick, cohesive silicone-gel filled implant will not leak if the capsule ruptures and is less prone to rippling and wrinkling. The primary disadvantages of gummy bear implants are that they feel stiffer than regular silicone gel implants and require larger incisions than saline or standard silicone implants.

Implant Size

Breast implant size is one the most important factors affecting results achieved in a breast augmentation procedure. Many women want to enhance the appearance of their breasts without looking false or unnaturally large. Taking all factors into consideration, including your body shape and size and the quantity of natural breast tissue, Dr. Lewis can advise on the best choice of implant size for your breast augmentation in Portland Oregon.

Incision Placement

Our Board-certified Portland plastic surgeon, Dr. Matthew Lewis, offers patients two incision placement options:

  • Inframammary (in the crease under the breast) is the most versatile and common incision placement.
  • Transaxillary is a less common placement, in which the pocket for the implant is created endoscopically through an incision well-hidden within the armpit.

Using either incision placement, breast implants can be placed above or below the chest muscle. Dr. Lewis recommends submuscular placement for women who want the most natural-looking appearance.

Other Breast Implant Options

In addition to implant type, size, and placement, patients also have choices as to implant texture and shape. Smooth implants have a slightly lower rate of rupture, while textured implants are less prone to implant displacement (moving within the breast implant pocket).

Women have a choice between round implants with a symmetrical shape or contoured, anatomical breast implants, shaped to more closely resemble natural breasts. Both implant shapes have pros and cons. When you come to Dr. Matthew Lewis, he can custom-tailor a surgical plan specifically for you in order to give you the best breast augmentation Portland has to offer.


Sculpting your ideal chest

Size matters – but it’s not the only factor to consider when preparing for your breast augmentation in Portland, Oregon. Dr. Lewis considers every variable that can affect your results, and will compose a tailored surgical plan to achieve your ideal:

  • Symmetry
  • Size
  • Feel
  • Shape
  • Bust-to-waist ratio

What can breast implants do for you?

  • Improved self-esteem
  • Enhanced body contours
  • Full and feminine bust
  • Elevate sagging breasts
  • Reshaped bust-line
  • A balanced and beautiful figure

Why Choose Dr. Lewis for Breast Augmentation?

With Dr. Lewis, women can rest assured they have trusted this important procedure to the skills of a true professional. In addition to his medical degree from OHSU and board certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, Dr. Matthew Lewis has a master’s degree in both biophysics and physiology from Georgetown University.

As an authority in his field and a top plastic surgeon in Portland, Dr. Lewis is dedicated to achieving the goals of his patients, using his experience and expertise to attain their aesthetic vision for their breasts. Dr. Lewis makes it a point to do everything he can to help his patients, which is why he is known for stellar results and compassionate, understanding patient care. Please call today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Lewis to find out more about your breast augmentation procedure.

100% Custom Breast surgery that's as unique as you are.

Dr. Lewis customizes his breast surgeries to meet the needs of each patient. His goal is to provide the best breast augmentation Portland OR has to offer. Here’s a glimpse into how he will begin planning for your procedure based on the aesthetic breast issues you’d like to address:

Too small

If your breasts are too small, Dr. Lewis will focus on sculpting larger, fuller breasts that fit your figure better. This will involve the placement of silicone or saline breast implants.


Heavy, sagging breasts are a common problem after childbirth and breastfeeding. If your formerly firm tissue has begun to droop, Portland breast augmentation surgeon, Dr. Lewis, will combine your breast augmentation with a lift to achieve an elevated bust.


Most women have some degree of asymmetry. However, if the difference is noticeable and impedes your ability to find clothes that fit well, a specialized breast augmentation approach may be necessary.

When fixing asymmetry, Dr. Lewis ensures a balanced result by operating on both breasts. For example, he will place an implant on both sides – one will just be slightly larger than the other to even out the proportions.

Breast Augmentation - Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Safest Type of Breast Implant to Use?

When deciding on which type of implant, there is little difference between the safety records of saline implants and silicone implants. There are pros and cons for each, but both types of breast implants are considered safe and are FDA-approved.

Can You Still Have Children After a Breast Augmentation?

There is nothing medically preventing you from having children after breast augmentation. However, pregnancy impacts the body, and your breasts in particular. If you choose to have children after your augmentation, it is possible you will need another surgery.

Are the Incisions Visible?

Each breast augmentation is different in where the incisions are placed, based upon the size and type of the implant. The skill and expertise of your plastic surgeon plays a significant role ensuring you avoid visible scars.

Will Insurance Cover a Breast Augmentation?

A breast augmentation is not be covered by insurance as it is an elective cosmetic surgery. Breast reconstruction with implants is typically covered.

Are There Risks Associated with Breast Augmentation Surgery?

As with any surgery, there are risks. Rare issues include risks associated with anesthesia, infection, or changes in nipple or breast sensation. It is important to discuss your medical history and any concerns with Dr. Lewis. Generally, this is a very safe procedure.

Will a Breast Augmentation Interfere with Regular Activities?

After surgery, there will be a time of recovery where you will need to limit physical activities, particularly lifting and stretching. After recovery, you will have the full range of motion and once given the okay, can resume your normal exercise routine or other more vigorous activities.

Do Breast Implants Need to be Replaced Every 10 Years?

There is no hard rule as to the replacement date of breast implants. Modern implants can last far beyond the 10-year mark. If there are no existing problems, there is no need to replace your implants. The FDA recommends an MRI three years after your breast augmentation.

What procedures can be combined with breast augmentation?

As every patient has unique needs and goals, the specific procedures combined with a breast augmentation procedure will be different for everyone. That said, there are four cosmetic treatments that are most often performed in tandem with breast augmentation, including:

Tummy tuck

Otherwise known as abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck aims to remove excess skin and fat from the midsection while tightening the underlying musculature of the area. This treatment is often sought out by recent mothers who have seen unwanted changes in the abdominal region following pregnancy and childbirth. It is also recommended for patients who have lost a substantial amount of weight and are struggling with loose skin.

Arm lift

Otherwise known as brachioplasty, arm lift procedures also target excess skin and are often performed simultaneously with a breast augmentation. The procedure involves removing loose, hanging skin from the under-arm region to give the patient a more refined look. Just like the tummy tuck, this is a great choice for patients who have lost a lot of weight.


Virtually everyone will struggle with stubborn pockets of fat in some part of their body at some point in life. Liposuction is designed to suction out and remove fat cells from areas such as the abdomen, thighs, hips, buttocks, and face.

Brazilian butt lift

Over the years, the butt has become a major focal point for patients and practitioners alike. A Brazilian butt lift is able to enhance the buttocks and improve their contours by extracting fat from other areas of the body and transferring it directly into the treatment area. Patients walk away with a massive boost in self-confidence.

How to ensure natural-looking breast implants

A common concern among our Portland, OR patients is ensuring that their breast implants look natural – not artificial. If you prioritize an organic appearance, Dr. Lewis suggests that you consider the following:

  • Size. If you want the most natural look possible, aim for an increase of one to two cup sizes.
  • Position. Implants can be placed above or below the chest muscle. In thin patients, an implant placed beneath the muscle leaves an extra layer of tissue covering the implant and provides a more natural look.
  • Type. In general, silicone implants are soft and tend to look the most natural, especially for women who are slender and have small breasts.

Is there an alternative to breast implants?

While breast implants are an incredibly effective means of achieving pronounced breast enhancement, some patients would simply feel better if they could forgo implanting something foreign into their breasts. Fortunately, fat transfers enable patients to achieve this.

Fat transfer procedures can be performed on various areas of the body to help patients attain their ideal look. Fat transfer breast enhancement is a proven enhancement method that creates bigger breasts using the patient’s own fat. The procedure starts by utilizing a special liposuction technique to harvest the fat.

This collected fat is then placed into a centrifuge for purification before it is injected into the breasts. Patients get to experience a major boost in confidence as the results are remarkable and totally natural-looking.

As with any fat transfer procedure, patients will need to have ample fat in another part of the body to ensure an adequate amount of extraction.

What to expect the day of your surgery

When you arrive at the hospital the day of your breast augmentation in Portland, Oregon, one of our anesthesiologists will administer general anesthesia to put you to sleep. When you wake up, you will be groggy and tired, so arrange in advance to have someone drive you home and take care of you until the effects of the anesthesia wear off. Once you are sedated, Dr. Lewis will make one of two incision options:


This versatile option is also the most common. It’s located under the breast, along the crease.


This option is made in the armpit and an endoscope is used to create the pocket for the implant.

Regardless of the incision option you choose, the cut will be placed discreetly to ensure a natural outcome. Through that opening, Dr. Lewis will carefully place the implant either above or beneath the chest muscle before closing the incisions to complete your procedure, resulting in arguably the best breast augmentation Portland or Vancouver have to offer.

A Portland Plastic Surgeon

407 NW 17TH AVE, STE 2Portland, OR 97209

Matthew Lewis,MD

Discover your true beauty. At the office of Dr. Matthew Lewis, we take everything into consideration, including your comfort, discretion, and of course your outcome. Please call us to schedule an appointment.

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