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Because they’re your most expressive feature, and are involved in the full range facial expressions, the eyes tend to show your age more quickly than your other features. Fortunately, lines and wrinkles in this area can be very effectively treated with eyelid surgery.

A brighter you: Transform your expression with eyelid surgery

  • Make tired eyes appear bright again
  • Trim away excess skin from the upper and lower eyelids
  • Lighten heavy, drooping eyelids
  • Restore a more youthful facial appearance

Candidates: Is eyelid surgery right for you?

Eyelid surgery can brighten and soften your entire face – but it’s not right for every patient. In general, Dr. Lewis will recommend this procedure if you:

  • Have puffy upper eyelids and excess skin
  • Have tired-looking eyes that make you look older than you are
  • Are in good physical and emotional health
  • Are over the age of 35

After surgery: What to expect as you heal

As you heal from your procedure, you will need to rest at home for about 7 to 10 days. At that point, you should be able to return to work.

Immediately after surgery, there will be redness, swelling, and bruising around your eyes. You may tear excessively and some patients experience blurry vision and sensitivity to light. All of these side effects are normal and temporary.

For the first couple of weeks, wear dark sunglasses to protect your eyes from the sun. Your eyes will tire easily, so rest them frequently.

Throughout the first month, avoid any activities that can increase blood flow to your eyes, such as bending, exercising and crying.

Common concern: Are my eyelid results permanent?

The results of eyelid surgery typically endure for years. In general, it is an extremely long-lasting procedure.

With that said, you will continue to age naturally. As such, your appearance will change over time and it’s normal for new wrinkles, lines and other signs of aging to emerge. With that said, most of Dr. Lewis’s patients report that they are still very happy with their results years after their initial surgery.

Schedule an appointment today >>

Eyelid surgery with Dr. Lewis can brighten your face and soften your expression. Contact our Portland office today to schedule an appointment and begin planning for your procedure.

A Portland Plastic Surgeon

407 NW 17TH AVE, STE 2Portland, OR 97209

Matthew Lewis,MD

Discover your true beauty. At the office of Dr. Matthew Lewis, we take everything into consideration, including your comfort, discretion, and of course your outcome. Please call us to schedule an appointment.

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